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Manuscripts of the American Civil War
William Cline Diary

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Opening: 49 verso, 50 recto
Date(s) of entries: December 3 to 9, 1863
Author: William Cline
Content: Diary

Number: MSN/CW 8007-1

(Please click on our Technical Details button at left for more information on
transcription conventions, image scanning conventions, etc.)

49v, 50r      Images: 150 DPI100 DPI


Three pices of artilery ande 60 wagons Hide in a peace of wodes

     4 wea laide still all Day ate lowden

     5 wea wente upe the tenessee River some 7 miles Before Day lighte ande By Day lighte wea croste on a wagon ponteoon ande marcht to lewis ville thate Day ande nw newes came thate Burnsides whiped longestreet [i.e., Maj. Gen. Ambrose E. Burnside and Lt. Gen. James Longstreet, Battle of Knoxville, 29 November 1863] ande Hea longesterete war on full Retreete a throo


north Carolina Here wea laide till the 7 of December ande marching orders came an wea marchede on the 7 of the mo on Hour Retrogate moove wea lefte campe ate 7 oclock in the morninge ande Reachte the tennessee 3 oclock ande croste anincamped on the South Bank thate nighte marched

     8 1863 all upe and Redey ande marchede this Day wea marchede 18 miles Rainde in the afternoon whitch mad harde marching

     9 all Redey to march this Day wea marchede

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